Friday, August 20, 2010

Feelings, oh whoa, feelings!

Emotion doesn't matter in the workplace, right? You don't get angry when an incompetent, yet politically-charged, peer gets promoted (and a raise) and you don't. What would happen to corporate ratings if an emotional metric were somehow deployed to evaluate them? Currently we have a "Top 100" employers to work for - but I'm not sure we can say systematically how to achieve a top rating in this category (aside from treating people like they are "people"). Paul Herr weighs in on this topic at:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Reality fitness marketing

"Everyone has a big 'but,' Simone, let's talk about yours"
- PeeWee Herman in PeeWee's Big Adventure.

Nike attempts to reach a "larger" audience with its new promotions. If you haven't read "Just Do It," which I regard as one of the best marketing books ever, it's time to revisit. Meanwhile, check out this story on BusinessWeek.